Wall clock according to Vastu: Best Direction, Shape & Colour

Disclaimer: The information provided about Vastu Shastra and its principles are based on traditional beliefs and practices. While there is no scientific evidence to support the claims made by Vastu Shastra, it is up to the individual’s personal beliefs and discretion to follow these principles. The tips provided in this answer are solely for informational purposes and should not be considered as professional or medical advice.

Wall clock according to Vastu : Best Clock hanging direction

Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian practice that dates back over 5,000 years, aims to create living spaces that promote health, prosperity, and happiness. According to this science, the adjustment of a bank alarm in a home or office can impact the flow of energy, which is known as “Vastu dosh.”

In Vastu Shastra, the North and East directions are associated with positive energies such as growth, prosperity, and peace, with the Northeast direction being considered the most favorable. Hanging a wall clock in these directions is believed to bring good luck and abundance to the occupants of the room.

However, the South, Southwest, and Southeast directions are associated with negative energies such as anger, stress, and tension. Hanging a wall clock in these directions is believed to bring negative energy and financial losses. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid hanging clocks in these directions to prevent any potential negative impacts on the occupants

When deciding where to hang a wall clock in the living room, there are a few key factors to consider. The clock should be hung in a location that serves as a focal point in the room, such as a bare wall or a wall with minimal decoration to highlight the clock’s design and features. Additionally, the clock should be hung at eye-level, which is typically around 57 to 60 inches from the floor. It’s also important to consider the size and style of the wall clock to ensure it complements the existing decor of the living room.

Similarly, when hanging a wall clock in the bedroom, it’s important to choose a location that is easily visible and accessible from the bed. The clock should be hung at eye-level for maximum visibility, and the size and style of the clock should complement the bedroom’s decor. It’s also important to select a clock with a quiet mechanism to avoid sleep disruptions from loud ticking.

Ultimately, the direction in which a wall clock should face is a matter of personal preference. However, some general guidelines include facing the clock towards a focal point in the room or towards the center of the room to create balance and harmony. The placement of a wall clock should ultimately be based on what feels most comfortable and practical for you.

  • The wall clock should be positioned on North(It attracts wealth & prosperity) or East walls.
  • In the bedroom, try to hang or place any clock such that you can see it right from the bed when you wake up (probably on the North wall as you’d keep your head towards the South while sleeping).
  • Pendulum clocks on the Eastern side are considered good and considered bring positive sound vibrations
  • Try to keep the clock 1 minute ahead of time and clean the clocks regularly

  • The wall clock should not be placed on a wall in the south direction of the building
  • No wall clocks should face the bedroom door
  • The clock should never be hanged over a door
  • No clocks should be broken or in non-working condition and never behind the correct time

Wall clock according to Vastu : Best Shape

According to Vastu Shastra, the shape of the wall clock can have an impact on the energy and positivity of a space. It is recommended to choose simple designs for wall clocks, and round clocks are considered the best shape to promote positive energy. Other shapes like oval or square can also be used, but it is important to avoid clocks with sharp or pointed edges as they can create negative energy. Antique clocks with a classic appeal are also recommended as they symbolize a good flow of energy.Answer to the question which shape of clock according to vastu? is here.

  • Round shape wall clock:

  • According to Vastu Shastra, the round shape represents infinity and completeness, which brings positive energy to the room.
  • Round shape is a classic design that goes well with any home decor.
  • It is easy to read time on a round clock face.
  • It may not fit well with modern or contemporary home decor styles.
  • If the clock face is too small, it may be difficult to read the time from a distance.
  • Square shape wall clock:

  • The square shape represents stability and balance, which can help to create a calming and peaceful atmosphere.
  • It can be a great addition to a modern or contemporary home decor style.
  • The square shape may provide a unique look and feel to the room.
  • The corners of the square shape may represent negative energy according to Vastu Shastra.
  • It may be difficult to read time on a square clock face as the numbers are often placed on the diagonal corners.
  • Rectangular shape wall clock:

  • The rectangular shape represents growth and expansion, which can bring positive energy to the room.
  • It is a great addition to a modern or contemporary home decor style.
  • The rectangular shape may provide a unique look and feel to the room.
  • The long and narrow shape may not fit well with all home decor styles.
  • It may be difficult to read time on a rectangular clock face if the numbers are not clearly visible.
  • Oval shape wall clock:

  • The oval shape represents stability, positivity, and good luck.
  • It is a unique and unusual design that can add visual interest to the room.
  • It may be a great addition to a traditional or vintage home decor style.
  • Oval-shaped clocks may not be as widely available as other shapes.
  • It may be difficult to read time on an oval clock face if the numbers are not clearly visible.
  • Irregular shape wall clock:

  • Irregular shaped clocks are unique and unusual designs that can add a creative and artistic touch to the room.
  • It may be a great addition to a modern or contemporary home decor style.
  • It can be a great conversation starter.
  • The irregular shape may not fit well with all home decor styles.
  • It may be difficult to read time on an irregular clock face if the numbers are not clearly visible.

These are some of the pros and cons of different wall clock shapes according to Vastu Shastra. Ultimately, the shape of the wall clock you choose should be based on personal preference, home decor style, and functionality.

Also Read : Best and Latest Radium Night Glow Wall clock of India

Wall clock according to Vastu: Colour | What Colour Should You Choose?

According to Vastu Shastra, colors play an important role in enhancing the positive energy flow in a living space. Choosing the right color for your wall clock can help in maintaining a positive environment in your home or workplace. Here are some recommendations on wall clock colors as per Vastu:

  1. White: White is a versatile color that goes well with any interior. It represents peace, purity, and serenity. A white wall clock is an excellent choice for any room in the house as it promotes clarity of mind and helps in reducing stress.
  2. Green: Green is a color that symbolizes growth and prosperity. It is also associated with nature, freshness, and abundance. A green wall clock can bring in positive energy and help in promoting good health and well-being.
  3. Blue: Blue is a calming and soothing color that is often associated with water and the sky. It represents tranquility, harmony, and relaxation. A blue wall clock is an excellent choice for bedrooms, meditation rooms, or any space where you need to relax and unwind.
  4. Red: Red is a vibrant and energetic color that symbolizes passion, courage, and strength. It is often associated with good luck and prosperity. A red wall clock can help in promoting positive energy flow and boosting confidence.
  5. Yellow: Yellow is a bright and cheerful color that represents warmth, joy, and happiness. It is also associated with knowledge and wisdom. A yellow wall clock can bring in positive energy and help in promoting creativity and productivity.
  6. Orange: Orange is a warm and vibrant color that represents enthusiasm, creativity, and success. It is often associated with positive thinking and good communication. An orange wall clock can help in promoting positive energy flow and boosting confidence.
  • Choosing the right color for your wall clock can help in maintaining a positive environment in your home or workplace.
  • Wall clock colors can influence your mood and emotions positively.
  • Wall clock colors can complement the overall interior of your living space.
  • While Vastu Shastra suggests certain colors for wall clocks, personal preference and individual taste should also be considered when choosing colors.
  • Sometimes, a certain color may not be suitable for a particular space due to its existing color scheme or decor style.


In conclusion, according to Vastu Shastra, the placement of a wall clock in a house or office is significant for positive energy flow and prosperity. It is believed that the correct placement of the clock can help in promoting success, happiness, and well-being.

Some essential tips to follow while placing a wall clock are:

  • Avoid placing the clock above the entrance door or in the bedroom facing the bed.
  • Hang the clock on a solid and clean wall in the east, north, or northeast direction.
  • Make sure the clock is not broken, non-functional, or not ticking correctly.
  • Keep the clock clean and dust-free.

By following these simple Vastu tips, you can ensure that the placement of your wall clock enhances the positive energy flow in your home or office, creating a harmonious and peaceful environment.

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